
Useapiecharttoshowthesizeofeachiteminadataseries,proportionaltothesumoftheitems.Whenyouneedapiechartinapresentation,use ...,,Excel·在試算表中,選取資料以用於圓形圖。如需圓形圖資料排列方式的詳細資訊,請參閱圓形圖的資料。·按一下[插入]>[插入圓形圖或環圈圖],然後挑選您想要的圖表。[ ...,OnewaytoinsertapiechartintoPowerPointistocreatethechartinExcelandcopyit,keepingalinktotheoriginal,ifyouwant.Co...


Use a pie chart to show the size of each item in a data series, proportional to the sum of the items. When you need a pie chart in a presentation, use ...


Excel · 在試算表中,選取資料以用於圓形圖。 如需圓形圖資料排列方式的詳細資訊,請參閱圓形圖的資料。 · 按一下[插入] > [插入圓形圖或環圈圖],然後挑選您想要的圖表。 [ ...

Video: Insert a linked Excel pie chart

One way to insert a pie chart into PowerPoint is to create the chart in Excel and copy it, keeping a link to the original, if you want. Copy an Excel chart.

How to make a pie chart in Excel

2023年9月6日 — Comprehensive Excel pie chart tutorial explains how to create a pie chart in Excel, add or remove the legend and data labels, ...

Create a Pie Chart in Excel (In Easy Steps)

Pie Chart · 1. Select the range A1:D2. · 2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Pie symbol. · 3. Click Pie. · 4. Click on the pie to select the ...

How to Create a Pie Chart in Excel

To create a pie chart in Excel 2016, add your data set to a worksheet and highlight it. Then click the Insert tab, and click the dropdown menu next to the image ...

How to Create a Pie Chart in Microsoft Excel

2023年9月27日 — 1. Open Excel. 2. Enter your data. 3. Select all of your data. 4. Click the Insert tab. 5. Click the Pie Chart icon. 6. Click a pie chart ...